This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Find Your Way to Start the Day

Morning can be hard, especially if you are like me-a night owl! It is absolutely effortless for me to stay up at night but so difficult to function in the morning. However, our society is definitely built to reward early birds. You may have wished you were a morning person. Damn it! Wouldn’t that be easy?! Well, the truth is we can help ourselves develop a routine to ease into the start of the day even naturally it’s not our time to rise and shine.

Developing a morning routine can make it much easier to improve your functions in the morning. We are capable to teach our brain that it is time to wake up if we have consistent bed time and awake time. Find activities that help you move from dream state to active state. For example, some people find it helpful to shower in the morning, some like to stay in the bed and meditate for 5 minutes, and others may enjoy stretching their body when they wake up in the morning.  

What else help you body to wake up? It could be drinking a cup of hot tea, sipping on your morning coffee, or making a nutritious breakfast. One activity I personally enjoy is to water my plants in the morning. Having the quick check-in of the soil and looking at the blossom coming out of my fuchsia (a new addition to my plant family) can be refreshing and help me get into a great mood about starting the new day. Perhaps take a few minutes to check in with yourself without any judgement. How do you feel in your body and your mind? Be curious about where you are at as your starting the day and be open to what comes to your way.


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